Monday, September 14, 2015

So You

So you did ask me
to sum you all up 
in the sparsest of
words and you did give
me the grand gesture:

{A, Not-A}.

As if that were not
well enough you kept
pestering me to
spell you all out till
you filled me with this:

Life’s a lark, if dark.

Now if you don’t mind
you may as well take 
your words and give them 
to whomever you 
do please to nag next . . .

you leave me alone.

Where I guess I am
in every case and
surely would not mind
if you would only
take away your words . . .

leave me empty mind.

Not ungrateful I
do appreciate
your being alone
all one and wanting
daunting company . . . 

so You, I leave words.

1 comment:

  1. Words here posted make up part of another project, entitled Tsunami of Words, that continues to incubate. The Blog remains available as is, until further notice.
